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Current Water Conservation Level

Water Conservation

Paint Brush Hills Metropolitan District takes the conservation of our water very seriously. Even though our need for fresh water sources is always increasing because of population building growth, the supply we have stays constant. Currently we have the capability to meet the current demands for water but that does not mean we should pump our aquafers until they are empty. Everyone should be encouraged to use less water during peaks hours of 5am to 8am. By reducing the amount of water used, we can better protect against future water shortages and even drought years. Water conservation requires forethought and effort, but every little bit helps. Do not think that what a single resident can do will not matter. Everyone can make changes in our lifestyles to reduce our water usage. The trick is making water conservation a way of life and not just something we think about occasionally.

Level 2 (Blue Flag)


·         When system average 3-Day Demand goes above 60% of well daily production rates

·         In addition to the rules in Level 1 the following additional rules apply:

·         Commercial/Residential watering limited to:

o        Even numbered street addresses – Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

o        Odd numbered street addresses – Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

·         School water will be on a restricted schedule to be determined by the District and School.

·         Using water to clean hard surfaces (sidewalks, driveways, patios, etc.) is prohibited without District permission.