Water Conservation Level

Re: Water Conservation
To Resident,
Paint Brush Hills Metropolitan District takes the conservation of our water very seriously. Even though our need for fresh water is always increasing due to population growth and new homes being added, our supply stays constant or is decreasing. Currently we have the capability to meet the current demands for water but that does not mean we should pump our aquifers until they are dry. By reducing the amount of water used, we can better protect against future water shortages and even drought years.
Water conservation requires forethought and effort, but every little bit helps. Do not think that a single resident's actions do not matter. Everyone can make changes in our lifestyles to reduce our water usage. The trick is making water conservation a way of life and not just something we think about occasionally.
The District has implemented water conservation levels on May 24th, 2022.
These levels basically are as follows:
- Level 1 (Green Flag) No water from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
- Level 2 (Blue Flag) Green flag restrictions please only watering on days based on your address. Even numbers M, W, F. Odd numbers - T, Th, Sa.
- Level 3 (White Flag) NO outside Irrigation use.
- Level 4 (Black Flag) NO outside watering in any form.
The number one violation we see is watering between 10 – 6 (Green Flag). The Board of directors has approved a 100.00 fee for any second violation. We will NOT waive this fee. Please ensure your controllers are set not to water during this time.
More information on Conservation Levels is available on our website pbhmd.org and the PBHMD Facebook page.
Robert Guevara
Paint Brush Hills Metropolitan District, District Manager